Media Directory For Rochester, New York
HDTV (High Definition Television)
Television Stations
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Rochester, NY area television stations
- R NEWS - Your only local 24 hour news channel
email ; Office: 585-756-2424. Toll Free: 888-278-9889. Fax 585-756-1673 Address 71 Mount Hope Avenue Rochester, NY 14620. Sports.
- WHEC TV - 10 (NBC)
Office: 546-5670, New Hot Line: 232-1010, Weather Watch: 325-4444
191 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14604
- WOKR - TV 13 (ABC)
Office: 334-8700 & 359-4101, Newsroom Hotline: 334-8743, Newsroom Fax Line: 334-8719, Weather Line: 334-0013, Public Defender Hot Line: 222-1313
4225 W. Henrietta Rd., Rochester, NY 14602. "Watch local sports news anytime on the WOKR13 Webcast. Sports Director Mike Catalana and Traci Buch bring you Rochester's most-watched sportscast every night on NewsSource13."
- WROC - TV 8 (CBS)
Office: 288-8400, News Tip Line: 222-8888, Sports Line: 288-2186
201 Humboldt, Rochester, NY 14610
- WUHF Fox - TV 31 (Fox Network)
Office: 232-3700
360 East Ave., Rochester, NY14604
- WXXI - TV 21 Public Broadcasting Council
Office: 325-7500, Membership Services: 258-0200 & 258-0223, Public Relations: 258-0222, Radio Programming: 258-0233, Radio News: 258-0340, Reachout Radio: 258-0333, Station Events/Auction: 258-3000, TV Programming and Production: 258-0244, TV News/Comments: 258-0330, Volunteer/Friends of WXXI: 258-0284
Cable Television Company
- Time Warner Communications.
Customer Service 585-756-5000 Administrative Offices/Operator 585-756-1000 Address 71 Mount Hope Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620 .