Media Directory For Rochester, New York
Newspapers & Magazines
Rochester area Newspapers & Magazines
To request a free exchange link to a newspaper or magazine please fill out a request form. All telephone numbers are in the 585 area code unless otherwise specified.
- Brighton Pittsford Post. 381-3300. Fax: 381-3576. 1 Grove Street (Suite 101), Pittsford, N.Y. 14534.
- Brockport Post. Office: 637-4282. Fax: 637-5637. Classifieds & Subscriptions: 424-2880, Want Ads: 424-2880
2 S Main St., Brockport, NY 14420.
- Business Strategies. Office: 292-0171, 292-0389.. 1240 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY 14623 . Email: . "We are 16-year old business-to-business publication. Published on a monthly basis, Business Strategies offers its readers informative articles about how local companies become and stay successful. Monthly departments keep readers up to date on finance, HR issues, and the latest technologies. The mission of Business Strategies Magazine is to serve a community of readers interested in personal and business improvement. Our goal is to provide practical advice for building and managing business operations through articles that will advise, enlighten, inform, and motivate."
- City Newspaper "Rochester's Alternative." Office: 244-3329, Fax: 244-1126, Email: or . 250 N Goodman St., Rochester, NY 14607.
William & Mary Anna Towler, Publishers. Mary Anna Towler, Editor .
- Clarion Publications. 800-346-9770, 243-3530. 38 Main Street, Geneseo, NY 14454-1216. , Publisher.
Publisher of The Lake and Valley Clarion and Genesee Country Magazine. Clarion Publications is based in Geneseo, NY and their home page is at http://www.clarioncall.com.
- Daily Messenger. 394-0770 & 800-724-2099. Fax: 394-1675. 73 Buffalo Rd., Canandaigua, NY 14424.
- Daily Record Newspaper. 232-6920. Fax: 232-2740. 11 Centre Park, PO Box 30006, Rochester, NY 14603-3006.
- East Rochester Post Herald.
- Empty Closet Press. See Gay Alliance . 244-9030. Fax: 244-8246. 179 Atlantic Ave., Rochester, NY 14607.
- FREETIME Magazine. Office: 473-5214. Fax: 473-5214. FREETIME Magazine Online-- Western New York Arts and Entertainment Magazine. "Find Out Where The FUN Is. Check Out FREETIME's -- Daily Events Calendar, Movie Reviews, Talent Interviews, Area Music Scene Reports, Fun Stuff For Kids, CD Reviews, Event Briefs, Area Speakers, Film Listings, Concert Listings, Theater Listings, Personals, and Film Clips."
Gannett Rochester Newspapers (Democrat & Chronicle)
Main Number: 232-7100, From outside Monroe County 800-767-7539. 55 Exchange Blvd., Rochester, NY 14614.
News Departments
- News Reader Service: 258-2261
- Local Clerk: 258-2252
- Features Desk: 258-2282
- Financial News: 258-2320
- Sports Desk: 258-2406
- Editorial Pages: 258-2415
- Our Towns: 258-2721
- Weekend Magazine: 258-2413
- Gates Chili Post. 247-9200. Fax: 247-9210. Gates-Chili Office: 2968 Chili Ave., Rochester, N.Y. 14624. .
- Genesee Country Magazine. 800-346-9770. 585-243-3530. 38 Main Street, Geneseo, NY 14454-1216. , Publisher. "A regional quarterly magazine serving the Greater Rochester area, the Finger Lakes and the 17 counties of western New York, now on line at http://www/clarioncall.com/gcmag.html." Published by Clarion Publications.
- Golden Times Publications, Inc. "Baby Boomer and Senior Newspaper" Suite 1025, Piano Works Mall, 349 West Commercial Street, East Rochester, New York 14445. 585-586-1445. Fax: 585-586-2093. .
- Golf Week Rochester Newspaper. 427-2160 or 427-2468. 2535 Birghton-Henrietta Townline Rd., Rochester, NY 14623. George Morgenstern, Publisher. Dave Eaton, Editor. Copy deadline is Fridays at 3:00 p.m., seven days in advance of publication date.
- Greater Rochester Advertiser. 385-1974. 201 Main St., East Rochester, NY 14445.
- Greece Post. 227-6900. Fax: 227-97281100 Long Pond Rd. (Suite 104), Rochester, N.Y. 14626.
- Hamlin Clarkson Herald. 352-3411. 1835 N Union, Spencerport, NY 14559. Email: .
- Henrietta Post. 924-4040.
- Honor & Glory. 225-8620. 534 Harvest Dr., Rochester, NY 14626.
- Irondequoit Post. 342-9450. Fax: 381-5325. 440 Titus Ave., Rochester, N.Y. 14617.
- Jewish Ledger. 427-2434. 2535 Brighton-Henrietta Townline Rd., Rochester, NY 14623.
- Labor News. 232-7108. 509 N Goodman St., Rochester, NY 14609.
- Messenger Post Newspapers. 394-0770 or 800-724-2099. Fax: 394-1675. Main Office, 73 Buffalo Street, Canandaigua, N.Y. 14424. Email: .
- The Lake and Valley Clarion. 800-346-9770. 243-3530. 38 Main Street, Geneseo, NY 14454-1216. , Publisher."A weekly newspaper serving Livingston County, NY, on line at http://www.clarioncall.com/lvclar.html."
- New York Pennsylvania Collector - Antiques & Art.
- The Next Step Magazine. "A publication to help high school students and their parents with career exploration, college planning, social issues, and adventure."
- Penfield Post. 872-2221. Fax: 872-0494. 40 North Ave., Webster, N.Y. 14580.
- Perinton-Fairport Post. 381-3300. Fax: 381-5325. 1 Grove Street (Suite 101), Pittsford, N.Y. 14534
- Rochester Business Journal. 546-8303. 55 St. Paul St., Rochester, NY 14604.
- Rochester Healthy Living. "Rochester's leading health and wellness magazine. Availble free at hundreds of locations in Monroe, Wayne, and Ontario Counties."
- Sentinel Publishing. 624-5470. 201 N Main, Honeoye Falls, NY 14472.
- Shopping Bag. 385-1974. 201 Main St., East Rochester, NY 14445.
- Suburban Circle Publications, Inc. 663-0068. 2808 Dewey Ave., Rochester, NY 14616.
- Suburban News. 352-3411. 1835 N Union, Spencerport, NY 14559. Email: .
- Swap Sheet Auto Trader. 429-4200. 30 Bermar PK., Rochester, NY 14624.
- Tri-County Advertiser. 637-5100. 15 Main, Brockport, NY 14420-1901.
- Webster Post. 872-2221, Fax: 872-0494. 40 North Ave., Webster, NY 14580
- Westside News, Inc. 352-3411. Fax: 352-4811. 1835 N. Union St., Spencerport, NY. Publishers of Suburban News & Hamlin Clarkson Hearld. Email: .