Bicycling in Rochester, NY
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If you are interested in bicycling in Rochester, buy "Take Your Bike; Family Rides in the Rochester Area" by Rich and Sue Freeman. Rich and Sue have written the definitive book on bicycling in Rochester. Their book is so complete and so well written that almost anything nothing more to add. One might question why there is a chapter on the history of the bicycle in a local bicycle guide, but it is, at least, short. Based on my experience, I can say that their trail descriptions are accurate and up-to-date. They make good use of icons and explain them clearly. Their trail summaries are succinct and easy to read. What is exceptional about the book is the additional resources the Freeman's list. They list who to contact for more information, Web sites, and more.
Buy the book from by clicking on the title. "Take Your Bike; Family Rides in the Rochester Area" is published by Foot Print Press,